Are you Thinking about
Buying or Selling a Small or Mid-Sized Company, or seek for a partner in certain regions?
Crealisatio provides specific support in the M&A process in particular for smaller assets where no large consulting teams can be hired.
We also act as counsellors and matchmakers in the Middle East (in particular Saudi Arabia) and South America
Divestiture support
Divestiture support includes creating strategic plans, equity story, IM writing, preparation of communication with potential buyers (material, training of management, Q&A prep)
Due diligence support
Due diligence support involves the project management and support as experts in certain industries (industrial and high-tech)
How we help in divestitures
While divestitures for Private Equity of an M&A department of a corporation is daily business, it typically is NOT for the company to be sold nor for its management. Divesting a company while ensuring it continues focusing on its ambitious financial and operational targets is a true challenge and it gets a bigger challenge the longer a divestiture process lasts. And it’s even a bigger challenge for smaller assets where people in corporate support functions are scarce and where management carries a disproportionate share of the extra burden stemming from the divestiture activities.
An additional consideration when selling mid-sized and smaller assets is the fact that a supporting teams of consultants binds significant resources internally.
Crealisatio supports divestiture processes typically as a complementary support to a financial and M&A advisors. What we bring to a divestiture is a deep understanding of industrial logic and technology and the ability to package and communicate this in a concise and convincing way. Our experience, know-how and seniority helps making a divestiture an effective and efficient process maximizing the value of the transaction for the seller and minimizing the extra-burden for the management of the asset to ensure it can focus on delivering its business goals.
Crealisatio provides the following support and benefits during a divestiture:
We “package” your asset optimally in terms of developing strategy and financial plans, equity story, IM and management presentations.
We prepare and train the management team of the asset to be sold for a smooth and successful sales process
We communicate effectively with all stakeholders in the process as we have a deep understanding of both the financial and the industrial logic
We free up management and other resources of the entity to be sold allowing them to focus on their existing business
How we help in acquisitions
In acquisitions we provide two different support options
We manage your commercial due diligence effort – either as a small team or as senior project managers leveraging your project team.
We act as industry experts for specific questions
How we help as counselors and matchmakers
We support companies in making the right connections with potential partners, government entities and investors or in supporting e.g. JV negotiations.
We have particular experience and connections in doing this in Saudi Arabia and Brazil.
Whom we work with
We work for sellers of mid-sized and smaller assets. This can either be
Mid-sized or larger companies that are selling a non-core part of their portfolio
Private equity companies selling one of their portfolio companies
Private owners of such assets
Take a Look at Our Work
Reference Case: Divestiture of Non-Core Asset